It can start whenever; it starts when you start.
Many of us want to implement good habits into our lives, and we think that New Year’s Eve is the perfect time for that. Now don’t get me wrong, it is a good time. But new habits don’t necessarily need to start at the new year. If you mess up in the beginning of the year, do you need to wait for the year to end and start AGAIN?
I think we all know the answer to that question.
Why am I writing about this? Because I have done this every year. I have made a bunch of resolutions, and it was always a very long list. But I never really completed anything. And the reason was because I was doing too much all at once. Habits have to start small before you can actually complete them. And when you have a long list of things to do, it can be too much.
So, this upcoming year, I am making resolutions with a careful setup. I am going to make them reasonable with some breaks. There is so much in life that happens and living by a strict schedule is very hard and tiring. I rather not. Instead, I am going to plan and schedule a minimum amount of times that a task needs to be done during that week.
It seems more reasonable and achievable. I have bought my beautiful black planner, and I am ready to make some great life changes in my week. This year (2019 of course, not done with it yet), I have restarted every Sunday. My “streaks” were so inconsistent, but it was on a weekly basis (instead of an annual period). There would be successful weeks and some not that much. I noticed that I never had to wait for a specific timing or moment to restart. I restarted when I felt that I needed to get back on track. Because everyone knows time doesn’t wait for you.
So, I am still using the “New Year, New Me” life, but it will be better. I have a different way of making changes in my life. We learn something after a year comes to an end, but we should use that knowledge to move forward and improve. And I know I will be moving a lot of lessons and revised mistakes into my new year.
If I mess up and don’t do something on the first week of 2020, well guess what? I will just make it up the next day and there will only be a limit of 2 days that I give myself a break. That way all the good habits don’t just die.
Time is important. Waiting for time to pass may be fun (well not really), but its only acceptable when everything is done, and you have the time to get that self-care and chill-time in. And since I don’t really have anything done, I will get going to my planning and finishing some uncompleted tasks that I need to get going with (before year 2k19 ends).
And just to mess with everything, I am starting everything the day before the actual New Year. And I will let you know how that goes. Thank you for tuning in to my writing even though I didn’t start on New Year’s (hehe). It has been a great experience to write for this platform, even though I am just talking to a screen.
I see you guys (well really the numbers) that are tuning in. I hope everyone has a great new year, and everyone has something better to bring into the new year.
Enjoy and Be Thankful.