Standing above and tall.
Fun story: I went to a meeting the other day, and I wore booties. Those black booties, though. Beautiful patent leather. However, I am not wearing them again unless the meeting is a 5-minute walk. Not 4 times that number. Remember I have to also walk back so I can sleep. Anyways, my feet, ankles, and back hurt.
I guess it has been a stereotype or something that just came to be for businesswomen. High heels are a big statement piece and can give off a big sense of confidence. But I don’t think so. Well, it only hit me after I experienced it myself.
Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted a pair of high heels. Every single time I saw a woman wearing a blouse/dress shirt, some nice pants, and heels, I was always amazed. The first word that came to my brain was businesswomen. Someone obviously embedded that image into my head. And I made a connection right there. But I never knew that it wasn’t me.
Well it might change again in the future, especially if one day it is required. But in the meantime, hell no.
But there was always a big factor I didn’t notice till later. The ones that wore heels always looked to be stronger and more beautiful. That was confidence. And wearing heels do make you feel on top of the world, but not me. It’s not only the fact that I can’t last in them, but also, I am not comfortable. Yes, I feel on top of the world when I wear heels. But I feel even better (on top of the world) when I am wearing what I love.
The confidence is upon yourself. The high heels don’t automatically make you a confident/smart/beautiful person. You have to genuinely feel that. You have to feel confident in what you are wearing. When I walk in heels, it could be an awesome moment. But then after 10 minutes of continuous walking, my mind does not think that.
And you know what’s so great about sneakers. I can run, jog, and walk in them. Well sometimes when no one or anything is making me fall. It is just the comfort of it. I love to be comfortable but being awake is important too. If I wear sweatpants to work, that wouldn’t work. Even if I feel happy and comfortable, I will fall asleep on the spot. Therefore, sometimes jeans and dress pants win.
I think that is the misconception or whatever this is of high heels. We have a vision of what certain clothing should be for and when it should be worn. But to be honest, we can all make that decision for ourselves.
I am not saying that we shouldn’t be professional or anything. There will obviously be times when there will be a dress code we have to fallow. But if there is leeway, take it. Wear the clothing and the shoes that you want. As long as you are happy, comfortable, and awake.
One article won’t change everyone’s viewpoints. Hell, my thoughts and opinions are always all over the place. We just got to take in insight every once in a while It is just something to think about.
Then again, I haven’t gotten caught yet. I have been wearing sneakers to all my meetings, so I am just going to keep wearing them. I am going to enjoy the moment. And if some mindsets change, then it’s still a win for me.
Confidence is different for everyone. Enjoy the whole process from dressing up and going to work. Thank you for listening and hearing my jumbled thoughts.
Peace and love.