Why I Stopped Buying Skincare Products?

5 min readMar 1, 2021


We want to have no acne, no wrinkles, no marks, no…

The list goes on and on…

Who doesn’t want flawless skin?

screenshot from our beloved sephora

However, there is a problem for some of us skincare or makeup lovers? (I won’t be mentioning makeup as I don’t ever really use it.)

WE HOARD! (including little samples)



I am going to first shoutout to my supplier of most of my skincare goods that aren’t drug store.


That online and physical store brand is the one that I have rarely had a problem with. One time, my package contained a glass sample that had shattered into pieces, but all good! It’s all in the past.

They had a system of 3 free samples, and now it is 2 samples. But this system with FREE goodies make me tempted to always go back to them. And plus whether its 3 or 4, it’s all “free” stuff! So shoutout to that system that gets me excited with my purchases!

They really have some interesting ways, and also one of the different types of statuses that add along to the fun of purchasing and getting deals.

It is tempting to look at their website or physical store, and come home with many products and things that we probably didn’t need.

In our social media culture today, there are continuous posts and video about skincare or makeup products. They say, “this changes your complexion…flawless skin…nutrients for healthy-looking skin…”

It’s a never-ending list. We can really see all the problems with our skin that needs “fixing.” Then we have the side of cosmetic or plastic surgery…it really is never-ending.

The industry is booming, and it doesn’t only apply to one culture or on background. It applies to anyone that is interested and ones that have the ability to be a consumer of the beauty world.

I love natural beauty, and I don’t wear makeup. But I can get insecure. I have skin problems and dryness that drives me insane. With the ideas of these problems, I will look for products to “fix” my problems. But it doesn’t matter how much I spend on the products or the quantity of eye creams I have.

It’s all within. Within deep inside am I okay with having this and that. And I won’t, but it is my true self. I can use lotion to moisturize my skin, but when I step outside into the winter cold or take a hot shower-it is all gone.

The problems are still there, and it may get better. But what about the next season? Will my skin be able to handle it? Will I have dryness?

Skincare or makeup is all a temporary fix! But yes we need to fix those temporary fixes especially with our current situations. We don’t want to go to school with dry skin and flakes all over our exposed skin. We don’t want to go to work with scars and blemishes. We don’t want to go to an event and not look like a queen.

We want to show our best selves when we are in PUBLIC. Sometimes we even have our skin prepped and makeup done at home to feel happier and better.

Therefore, I completely understand the seasons. One day, I will want to wear my most expensive clothing and accessories. The next day, I could care less and enjoy my cartoon pajamas.

To each her/his own.

With temptations to look good and to have healthy skin, we keep buying and buying?

Why do we need ten different variations of the same products? Why do we need twenty different sizes makeup palettes? Why do we need fifty different thickness makeup brushes?

Interesting right?! It is never enough.

I get all the reasons to buying products, I was there. I gave myself thousands of excuses. The one I used the most are: “my skin is used to this product, and I need to switch it up.” “Maybe this new product that the YouTuber uses is even better!”

But there are also many skincare secrets that aren’t about the product, it’s about the inside. It’s about what you eat and drink and sleep and exercise.

The healthy habits for your body, mind, and soul are also important for great face and body skin health that we need to also focus on.


Yes. Products will give us more nutrients from products. Face masks can hydrate and make our skin dewy. Makeup can highlight, shape, and contour our face to our desires.

BUT lemon water can give us some detox in our system and help with skin conditions. Washing face with just cold water is refreshing. One moisturizer or no-moisturizer days are nice to have a “skin break.”

Exercising and stretching/yoga are also nice to just relieve any tension in any body or face part. Using cold spoons or rollers to relieve any puffiness and wake up a part of your body is calming. Writing your thoughts down on paper lets you have a moment to cherish the silence and peace.

Age is something that is triggering as we pass each birthday. We notice the number increasing, and it seems to be even faster as we hit a certain age. It is stressful to think of the future of our wrinkle-free skin (I already have a lot from my TOO expressive facial expressions).

We try to do things and buy new products (retinol-the current favorite) to lessen or prohibit what can still be altered or forced to slow down.

But at the end of the day, we are becoming older and older, and we can’t keep lying about our age no matter what we wear or dress. It is a number that doesn’t matter, but matters.

So before you buy your next product…Think do you already have this product that should be mostly used before saying no more (unless you have a bad reaction or something-maybe give it a break and try again in a month), check the expiration dates of your similar products (I had to throw many products out-they were all expired), and maybe find the real reason of your current online basket.

Skincare is beautiful, but it isn’t perfect. It never was, and it never will be. Some people seem to have flawless skin, but when they wipe it all off or step into the shower-it may be another story.

I step out of the shower, and I usually have redness and already dry skin around my body. I need to moisturize, but sometimes I just don’t. I may just dry off, and go on with the rest of my day/night.

Let it breathe. Let it be free. Let it enjoy itself.




Written by LL

Hello. Welcome to my crazy and strange mind. Sometimes I rant, but you just gotta go with the flow.

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